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If you want to know how to clear your acne by attacking the root of the problem then this article is for you.

If on the other hand you're looking for quick and easy remedies that you can just concoct at home and throw onto your face for a few hours then this isn't the right article for you.

  • Regenerating New Skin Is a Key
  • Foods to Fight Acne
  • Laser Removal Option of Choice

The Article(s) are Below

Acne's Vitamin for Teenager

The reality is that most teens today have poorer diets than they should. Teens aren’t always responsible about what they eat, and you can only police them so much during the day. For this reason, you should try to make sure your child takes vitamins for general health, to supplement daily eating habits. Vitamins provide necessary nutrients that kids who don’t eat a lot of fruits and vegetables may not get. Furthermore, some vitamins have the added advantage of being beneficial to skin, helping your child’s body’s natural defenses against acne. Whether you are looking into chemical treatments for your teen’s acne or not, vitamins for acne are a great natural way to help your child deal with this common problem.

There are definitely some vitamins that are not only healthy for your child but can help with healthy skin or acne. Starting from the top, Vitamin A, found in orange and yellow fruits and vegetables like yellow squash, carrots and pumpkins, as well as other fruits like tomatoes, is great for eye and skin health. Your dermatologist may even prescribe retinoids, derived from Vitamin A, as an oral or topical treatment for your teen’s acne.

Vitamin C is another vitamin you should be encouraging your child to take regularly. In addition to bolstering the body’s natural defenses against sickness, Vitamin C has antioxidant properties: antioxidants are considered to be great aging fighters and can promote organ health, including skin health.

Zinc and Omega-3 are also wonderful vitamins to take for good health. These vitamins can also revitalize skin and renew organs, in addition to potentially improving cardiovascular health and fighting cancer.

While vitamins can be a great supplement for your teen’s diet, they are not a substitute for healthy eating. Vitamins must be taken in moderation, as an overdose of certain vitamins can be highly dangerous. Be sure to take vitamins as directed, and not combine a multi-vitamin with other vitamins unless you know it is safe. If vitamins are not improving your child’s skin condition noticeably, vitamins may not be the answer. Rather than increase the dosage of vitamins, take your teen to a dermatologist to determine the best way to move forward. In all likelihood the doctor can prescribe or recommend a treatment to accompany the vitamins that may produce better results for fighting your child’s acne.

source : http://www.teenageacnesupport.com/vitamins-for-acne/

Essential Vitamins for Skin Care in General

Vitamin A - According to Dr. Eugene S. Bereston "the therapeutic use of Vitamin A began almost with the discovery of the vitamin." Bereston also noted that the first property of vitamin A is its ability to stimulate growth. The American Academy of Dermatology reports that vitamin A is vital to the health of both your skin and your eyes. The academy recommends a daily dose of vitamin A. Examples of vitamin A enriched foods include citrus fruits, carrots, tomatoes, yellow squash, and pumpkin. Vitamin A can also be applied to the skin topically with creams to promote cell growth.

Vitamin B - The Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institute of Health states that inflammation of the skin is one sign of B6 deficiency. Clinical signs of vitamin B6 deficiency are rarely seen in the United States. Alcoholics and aging adults are at the highest risk for B6 deficiencies due to poor dietary habits.

Vitamins C and E - The American Academy of Dermatology recommends daily oral dosages of vitamins C and E to protect the body and for its antioxidant properties that are important for healthy skin.

Zinc - A study conducted at Duke University provides evidence that Zinc is an important antioxidant supporting healthy skin. Among the findings: "Zinc protects against UV radiation, enhances wound healing, contributes to immune and neuropsychiatric functions, and decreases the relative risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease." So, in addition to the antioxidant benefits zinc offers to our skin, zinc is also important for the proper functioning of the immune system.

source : http://healing.about.com

Few Tips to Manage Acne

(i) Diet: Adhering to a healthy diet is most essential in preventing acne. Eating balanced diets and following regimes for acne skin care can help in reducing the severity of the outbreak.

(ii) Cleanliness: Washing your face several times a day and using a cleansing lotion suitable for your skin type goes a long way in treating acne prone skin.

(iii) No picking/squeezing: Fingers nails are acne and blemishes’ worst enemy. Picking or squeezing them can cause infection or leave marks on your skin which could last a long time.

(iv) Avoid razors: To avoid hurting your acne during shaving, switch to using a safety or electric razor. Try not to use a regular razor as this might nick at your acne causing pain and infection.

(v) Professional care: If your acne problem is severe, consult a dermatologist to suggest a acne skin care regime that will be suited to your skin type.

source : buzzle

Why do Boys Have Acne?

Acne skin care regimes for most boys begin at the onset of puberty for that is when the appearance of acne becomes noticeable. It’s an acceptable sign of growing up and can be controlled. Over the years, many reasons have been suggested for the occurrence of acne and blemishes but none are backed by tangible proof. Given that teenagers are most likely to consume large amounts of comfort foods like sweets and burgers, and hardly have any water or fruits intake, these seem to be the most apparent cause/s for acne. For instance:-

(i) Excessive intake of sweets, chocolates or fried foods have been pointed at as being reasons for acne, although not scientifically proven.

(ii) Physiological stress has been considered as contributing to acne. Boys must be encouraged to join support groups that could help deal with the problems sensibly.

source : buzzle

Best Way to Prevent Acne Scars

Acne scars are marks that occur when the skin problem heals completely. They remind of the fact that the specific area on the skin had suffered from acne. These marks that damage the appearance of the skin can also be prevented. Some of the tips are given below:

First of all, one has to break the habit of squeezing pimples. Popping the pimples aggravates the infection, and also increases the healing time. Also, when the condition heals, it is likely to leave a black mark. Another way to prevent these acne scars is to treat this condition as early as possible. Ignoring acne treatment, can worsen acne and although severe form of acne get cured, it leaves scars. Using best acne treatments like vitamin E oil considerably reduces the chances of developing acne scars.

On the whole, ways to prevent acne actually reveal the secret to keep the beauty of skin intact years down the line. The aforementioned skin care tips provide an easy, inexpensive solution to keep acne at bay. Following these tips will surely protect the skin from any sort of disorders.

source : buzzle

How to Reduce Acne Most Effectively

Are you frustrated with acne? Have you gotten the prescription or TV advertised stuff in hopes of seeing your beautiful face again, only to be disappointed? Have you considered the possibility that there are some time-tested methods that are less than common but may actually work better? We are here to tell you that you can have your beautiful skin again and you may not even need to pay a penny to do so.

Let’s run through "The Don’t" list. Don’t expose yourself to the sun much, if at all; just don’t forget to supplement your diet with Vitamin D. Don’t eat sweets unless those sweets are fresh fruit or honey. Don’t eat simple fibers such as pasta and white bread. Stay away from fast food and other foods high in saturated fats or high in salt/sodium. Avoid touching your face. Don’t pop your acne, especially with your fingers; it is usually okay to do it with sterilized tools (wash them in rubbing alcohol between each pop.) At this point you may say, "What’s the point of even living, if I can’t do any of these?" Well trust me these habits are an excellent way to avoid all future health problems not just prevent your acne outbreak. Although some of the above are to be never done, the truth of the matter is that it’s okay to do one every once in a while, just don’t do it before a big date.

If you only follow the above plan than you have won half the battle, however there are a few more secret remedies that will prevent the worst of your breakouts. Start with a different type of facial that doesn’t involve putting green goop on your face. You boil a large pot of water, purified if possible, and while it is boiling, "hover" your face over the steam. Make sure you are careful not to lean on any hot surface and that your face is far enough away to avoid getting any hot water on your face. Stay in the hot steam (eyes closed) for about five minutes. Some variations of this include wrapping a towel around your face (what you might see in an older movie if someone had a tooth ache) or taking the hot pot off the stove before putting your face into the steam, either of these may be applied for similar results. Once the steaming has been done, wash your face with cold water. Doing this several times a week should dramatically reduce your pimples.

Because of the "facial" your pores should be all opened up now and the crud washed out. This may be all that you need to do to prevent your acne and you may want to test that before you move onto the more drastic next step which involves soaking up the oils and relaxing your skin with a simple but rather expensive paste. You make the paste by combining oatmeal and honey and applying it directly to your face. Although this method traditionally dates back to the nineteenth century and perhaps even earlier, science actually validates it now and finds it to be even more effective than thought before. It works in a two step process, first with the oatmeal soaking up the excess fats and oils and second with the honey hydrating the skin and killing the bacteria that causes the acne. Actually, honey has now been realized to be so effective in clearing acne and restoring youthful skin in general that you may need to look far and wide to find a professional product that doesn’t use it. Apply this paste to your face for perhaps fifteen to thirty minutes and again wash it off with cool to cold water. This can become a rather expensive procedure but if it is within your reach, doing this after every facial is typically best.

If you follow the above and include at least two daily face washings with a natural soap, or even better is to be more specific and use the 100% natural, acne soap, then you should now be more or less acne free. If acne still troubles you after following the above procedures then you have a truly heavy case indeed and we are almost inclined to say that you are not following "The Don’t" list very well. However there are exceptions so we’ll mention that there are a few targeted type remedies that are more hit or miss, in other words they deal with more rare causes of acne. You can use your favorite search engine to look up how to use eggs, essential oils and even herbs to treat for acne problems. Some of these remedies are truly experimental so be sure you have a few days you can use to call in sick in case you have to stay at home and deal with an unforeseen reaction.

Now that you know these remedies you can truly be acne free and without pounding your face with heavy duty chemicals that cause pain, redness, and in fact do more damage than good. The neat part is that these methods tend to be even more effective than the stuff advertised on TV or prescribed by your doctor. Why don’t you give them a try and bring on your best face forward.

source : buzzle

Top 7 Tips To Prevent Acne

No one likes to deal with acne, and it seems like it takes forever before those outbreaks clear up. There are some great ways you can prevent outbreaks though before they even happen. This way you won't have to worry about how long it is going to take to clear up. You also won't feel self conscious about how your face looks or have to worry about scarring from acne.

1. A low GI diet

Many individuals are interested in using natural ways to prevent outbreaks of acne. One of the most important is to be aware of the diet you consume. You want to avoid large amounts of refined carbohydrates and sugars. Only consume low GI carbohydrates, as they have been shown to reduce your chances of an acne breakout.

2. Drink plenty of water

You also need to make sure you drink plenty of water each day. Adults should be consuming at least 64 ounces of plain water each day. Sodas, coffee, and tea are often full of ingredients your body doesn't need and in fact are diuretics which means they make your body lose water, and that can lead to breakouts of acne.

3. Cleanse your skin

Cleansing your face each day with a very effective soap is important. You want to be able to remove the dead skin, dirt, and debris. Women need to always take the time to remove their make up before they go to bed at night. Otherwise they risk clogging their pores.
Getting a facial on a regular basis can help as well because it will help to unclog your pores.

4. Avoid rubbing and touching

Rubbing or touching the skin too many times over the day actually causes your skin to produce more sebum. When this happens, you're making your skin more likely to breakout in pimples. So during the say, don't pick at your skin or rub it. Simply not touch your face unless you are cleansing your skin once or twice a day.

5. Clean linen and sheets

Acne is often the result of bacteria so you need to look at places where your face touches. You need to make sure the linens you use to shower with, wash your face, and even that you sleep on are clean. Change them often to remove the bacteria that may be found on them. You will need to change your sheets more often during times of the year when you sweat more.

6. Acne products

There are many effective over the counter products you can use as well. For those that do suffer from acne outbreaks on a regular basis, using one on a daily basis can be the perfect preventative measure to take. You want to make sure you purchase quality products though. You also want to make sure you minimize the side effects of them such as dry skin.

7. Acne medications

For more severe cases of acne, you may need to seek the assistance of a dermatologist. They can help you to come up with the most effective acne treatment program for your particular acne problems. It may be prescription medication, acne cream, cleaner, or even a stricter diet to follow.

These various tips can help you to feel good about yourself and your skin. Preventing acne is a great way to keep your skin looking and feeling great. Preventing acne is also easier than trying to get it cleared up once outbreaks have started to take place on a regular basis. You may have to experiment with the various prevention methods in order to find those that are going to offer you the very best results.

source : buzzle

Tips for Acne Free Skin

To protect yourself from an acne breakout, or to get rid of acne, you need to understand how people get acne. Our skin has tiny pores, which have sebaceous glands which contain oil, that moisturizes our skin to keep it healthy. Hormonal changes in the body, which occur mostly during puberty, cause excess oil production in these glands causing blockage of the skin pores. These areas are then susceptible for bacterial growths which causes skin irritation leading to acne. At times, dust and foreign particles can also block the skin pores leading to accumulation of sebum, causing acne breakouts. Understanding the different skin types is also important for acne treatment, as cures will vary for oily skin and dry skin types. However there are tips for acne free skin that each individual, irrespective of skin type, can follow.

Tips on Obtaining Acne Free Skin

Keeping acne away requires a whole gamut of things ranging from having a healthy diet to maintaining a health lifestyle. You can also use over the counter creams to support healthy skin and take vitamins to boost your immune system. Here are some of the things that you could do to safeguard your skin from an acne breakout.

It is important to keep your skin hydrated by drinking lots of water as this will help to flush away the toxins. Having fruit juices will also help you replenish the body with essential proteins and minerals that support skin care. You should have at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water every day and have juices like orange and cranberry.

Blockage of skin pores is one of the major reasons of acne, so having a good cleaning routine is very important to ward off acne breakouts. Use a mild soap to wash at least twice a day and use a circular motion when you are rubbing the lather. When washing do not scrub as it may cause skin irritation, also do not over wash as this may lead to skin damage.

Home Remedies
There are several products that you can find in your kitchen that will help you against acne like honey and lemon. Apply honey on your skin as a face mask and keep it on for 5-10 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Honey has antimicrobial qualities that will fight acne causing bacteria. Using lemon to cleanse your skin before going to bed is also a great home remedy for acne treatment and prevention.

It is suggested that you stay away from oily food to avoid acne breakouts, your acne diet should include vegetable and fruits. There are several vegetables that act like diuretics and are great for cleansing the body and fruits which are rich in antioxidants are also very helpful. Vitamins in vegetables are also known to rejuvenate the skin and help fight inflammation. One of the other important tips for acne free skin is to eat foods that are rich in zinc and beta carotene.

To improve skin vitality and it's ability to fight off bacterial attacks and inflammation you can take vitamin supplements. Vitamin C and Vitamin E supplements are especially good for the skin as they contribute to collagen production and boost the immune system. These vitamins can also be gotten from natural sources like fruits and berries. Research has also indicated that Vitamin A supplements are also good for the skin as they strengthen the protective tissue of the skin helping in fighting acne.

Some of the other tips for acne free skin include using products which are non-comedogenic, meaning which are not oil based, but are gel or water based. Avoid wearing make up and avoid the sun as much as you can or use a good sunscreen. One last thing, if you have an acne breakout do not break the pimples as this will only spread the infection

source : buzzle

Acne Treatment Home Remedies

Here are some other simple home remedies for the best acne treatments, that have been found to be effective:
  • Prepare a mix of gram flour (2 tbsp), turmeric powder (½ tsp) and milk. Now apply on face and wash after 20 minutes, many people use this as a bathing powder as well. It prevents the onset of more acne and clears the skin and complexion.
  • Apply grated cucumber onto the face and neck and leave for 15 minutes before washing off.
  • Apply grated potato on skin for getting rid of acne.
  • Apply toothpaste on each of the pimples and keep overnight before washing off in the morning.
  • Cut a tomato and take the juice along with the seeds. Apply on pimples and wash off after 20 minutes.
source : buzzle

Acne Cured Naturally

Treat irritating skin eruptions (blemishes, pimples, blackheads, cysts, pustules, folliculitis, furnuncles) the natural way. Our bodies respond quite nicely to natural remedies. Pamper your skin with herbal salves and poultices. Clear your complection by drinking herbal teas to treat yourself.

Natural Remedies
  • Strawberries/Strawberry Leaves - Used in a poultice are recommended as an herbal remedy for acne. Egyptians discovered that applying wetted strawberry leaves improved the complexion.
  • Dandelion - Useful in treating acne, eczema and psoriasis
  • Natural Facial Masks
  • Zinc Supplements
source : healing.about

Simple Tips to Cure Your Acne Naturally

Acne is a tremendously embarrassing and burdensome problem. It is easy to feel that you don't have control over your breakouts. But the fact is, you do. Now, your first response may be to assume that I'm going to recommend you see your dermatologist. Well, think again. Natural remedies can be just as effective and medications. Possibly more powerful. Sometimes, all your body needs is the right nutritional balance and proper skin care. Here are some easy things you can start doing today to help you heal your acne. You should notice a difference in about 4 weeks.
  • Apply a honey mask to your face once or twice a week - Honey has antibacterial properties so it is great for disinfecting and healing minor blemishes. It is also gentle on sensitive skin.

  • Wash twice a day with acne soap - You should wash your face twice a day with a sulfur based soap designed for acne. Once when you first wake up in the morning and then, right before you go to bed at night. Be extremely gentle to your skin when washing - do not scrub or use any sort of rough cloth. Overwashing your skin will actually stimulate your sebaceous glands to produce more sebum, thus increasing your acne.

  • Keep your hair off your face - If you have long hair or bangs, pull your hair off your face. Your hair contains oils as well, and will contribute to your breakouts. You'll also want to wash your hair everyday and after workouts

  • Take a potent multi-vitamin - Acne can be a sign that something is wrong on the inside. Your skin depends on nutrition. It is a vital organ that is usually neglected. If your body is not receiving the right nutrition, it will fight back. One common way it will rebel is to produce excessive sebum, clogging pores, and reducing the ability for your skin to heal and fight bacteria (see Acne Prevention Vitamins)

  • Include chromium in your diet - Chromium is well known for weight loss diets. But it is also excellent for healing infections on the skin. Taking a chromium supplement once a day will help heal your pimples quickly and prevent future breakouts.

  • Eat carrots for beta-carotene (Vitamin A) - Vitamin A strengthens the protective tissue of the skin and actually prevents acne. It helps reduce sebum production. This vitamin is essential for the maintenance and repair of the tissue which the skin and mucous membranes are made of. Vitamin A is also a powerful antioxidant needed to rid your body of toxins. Did you know that a deficiency in vitamin A can actually cause acne?

  • Avoid wearing makeup - Leaving makeup products on your skin only contributes to clogging your pores, causing more pimples and blackheads. If you feel you must wear makeup, be sure it is water-based.

  • Do not pick or squeeze your blackheads and pimples - As tempting as it may be, do not squeeze, scratch, rub or touch your pimples and blackheads. Do any of these actions, actually increases the sebum production. Plus, when you squeeze, you are actually rupturing the membranes below your skin, causing infection and sebum to spread underneath your skin. The result is more pimples.

  • Wash your pillow case every other day - Your face lays on your pillow case every day. Your pillow case absorbs the oils from your skin and reapplies the dirt and oil. Thus causing breakouts. Keep your sheets and pillow cases clean.

  • Eat foods rich in zinc - Zinc is an antibacterial agent and a necessary element in the oil-producing glands of the skin. A diet low in zinc can actually cause acne breakouts.
source : healing.about

What Is Body Acne

Body acne generally means acne erupting at any part of the body. Almost everyone of us at some point have been affected by acne and its effects. In this article we learn what is body acne and what are the different ways which you can treat it.

Body acne is just like facial acne. Many people also call it a genetic disorder. If your parents have suffered from body acne, chances are that you will also suffer from the same. It's also noted that people who have suffered from facial acne have also encountered body and back acne at some point in their lives. The only difference between body acne and facial acne is that the skin on the body have bigger pores than the skin on the face and thus body acne causes more damage than facial acne.

source : buzzle

Tips on How to Get Rid of Acne Redness

Ice Massage
For acne redness relief, apply ice on the affected area. It is said that the application of ice reduces the swelling and in the process brings down the redness caused due to acne. One word of caution though, do not press ice cubes into the skin for long, otherwise the skin cells might get damaged!

For those of you who want to know, how to reduce pimple redness, a good idea is to apply homemade curd on the skin. Curd fights the bacteria on skin which cause acne, thus clearing off the skin of any acne or redness in the process.

Orange Peel and Fuller's Earth
Certain face masks can do wonders to reduce acne redness. One of such face masks is prepared by mixing fuller's earth and powder of dried orange peel with rose water, in equal quantities. This face mask should be applied every week on the face, left on for twenty minutes and then washed off with lukewarm water. Overtime, this mask can reduce acne scars.

Tomato and Cucumber Juice
One of the most effective acne redness home remedies is to apply a mixture made from equal quantities of cucumber and tomato juice on the affected area. Leave it on for twenty minutes and then wash off. This mixture helps in tightening the pores on the skin, thereby reducing acne redness considerably.

Garlic is known to possess many anti-septic properties. So, take a clove of fresh garlic, crush it to form a paste and then apply it on the acne-affected skin. This should reduce acne redness to some extent. For more of such tips, you may refer to how to reduce acne redness.

Aloe Vera
An acne redness reducer which many people vouch for is aloe vera. Buy a good quality aloe vera gel from a beauty store and apply it on your skin everyday. Aloe vera is known to have antibacterial and astringent properties, due to which it reduces any built of bacteria on the skin, that is the prime reason behind acne. For best results, leave aloe vera gel on the skin for the whole night and wash it off with a mild cleanser in the morning.

Lemon Juice and Rose Water
Mix lemon juice with rose water in equal quantities and apply on the skin. Leave it on for about half an hour and then wash off with plain water. Follow this acne redness treatment for a month and you will be surprised to see the results. One caution here - if you have a sensitive skin, forgo this remedy as lemon juice can be detrimental for such skin and cause irritation.

These are some effective remedies to get rid of acne redness. Besides these, it is important that you take a healthy and balanced diet. Giving up on oily, fried and fast foods, replacing them with fruits and vegetables, will go a long way in acne control. Including foods that are rich in Vitamin A is especially known to curb acne and the resultant redness. Combine a healthy diet, with a regular exercise routine. Exercises reduce the stress, which is one of the main contributors of acne, besides providing the skin with enough oxygen, to rejuvenate itself. If you follow these tips religiously, soon you will get rid of all acne problems, including skin redness!

source : buzzle

Foods to Fight Acne

Zinc: Zinc is a mineral which is often recommended for acne treatment. However, some believe that zinc doesn't help with acne treatment at all. If you have low zinc levels, then it could be a reason for an acne condition. So get your zinc level checked. Zinc acts as an anti-inflammatory, which can lower down the symptoms of acne. However, a very small dose of zinc is required by the body daily. Therefore make sure that if you are taking zinc supplements, you stick to the recommended daily intake value.

Water: Water is very important for our health and a clear complexion. Just drinking plenty of water (2 - 3 liters) everyday will flush out the toxins from your body, and will give a glowing complexion. Also, drinking water benefits include bright clear eyes, improved energy levels, and improved blood circulation.

Green Tea: Caffeine is a major cause for bad skin, and should be avoided if you have skin problems. Also, it is dehydrating. So, instead of caffeine, make green tea a part of your acne detox diet. 2 - 3 cups of green tea everyday will provide you with many important vitamins.

Yogurt: Yogurt kills many harmful bacteria in the body, when taken internally. It also contains many other beneficial nutrients which help you maintain good digestive health and skin health. So consider having one to two cups of yogurt everyday. You can also make a yogurt mask and apply it topically.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 essential fatty acids helps to reduce inflammation, and thus help prevent acne. Also, omega-3 is essential for the body and brain health. You can find omega-3 in flax seeds, walnuts, sardines, halibut and salmon. However, avoid omega-6, as it tends to promote inflammation.

These were the nutrients and their food sources which help to control and prevent acne. Include these nutrients in your diet and consume them in the right quantity, to get their benefits. Apart from following a good diet, make sure you follow a good skin care regime to maintain acne free skin. A topical gel or cream can help you control and prevent further breakouts. You can also keep your skin cleaner by regular scrubbing and washing.

source : buzzle

Effective Acne Treatment and Product

Many teenagers around the world probably share this sentiment as they discover with horror their first pimple on their freshly scrubbed face. As teenagers enter into puberty, they are faced with new and exciting discoveries and challenges. Puberty though is also fraught with frustrations and changes, including physical changes in their bodies that often leave the teenagers with less than desirable pimples on the face.

Acne commonly occurs during the adolescence period. It is often caused by excessive secretion of oil from the glands. The typical acne lesions that appear on the face and body are comedones, papules, pustules and pimples.

Aside from the physical scar that acne leaves on your skin, it also inflicts an emotional toll, negatively affecting teenagers' self-esteem and confidence. For some, acne can become so severe that they shun social contact, leading to social insecurity and sometimes even depression.

acne treatment With the advanced acne treatments and acne products available today, acne need no longer have such a crippling impact on the sufferers' life. Once the outward symptom of acne first becomes apparent, that is, inflammation and lesion on the skin, it is important that you treat it right away so as to slow down or stop further inflammation.

It is a good idea to pay the dermatologist a visit and to have the doctor recommend the best acne treatment for you. The treatment recommended will vary on skin type and also your age.

Acne can be treated much more effectively if it is treated along with acne products, be they over the counter or prescribed. There are numerous acne products sold over the counter currently for the prevention and treatment of acne, with many of these products scientifically proven to be effective in the treatment of acne.

In severe cases, it is best that you consult the dermatologist for advice and get a prescription for stronger acne products. These acne treatments and products require a higher degree of monitoring, as they tend to have more side effects.

The acne product recommended depends on the type and severity of the acne. There are acne ointments and acne creams containing benzoyl peroxide to treat both mild and moderate acne. For more serious acne, there are topical antibiotics that kill the bacteria in the blocked follicles. For even more serious cases, oral antibiotics are effective. And for extremely severe cases, laser surgery can cut the root of the acne.

Aside from treating acne with products, a proper diet is also very important. Teens should avoid eating foods that are too oily, too spicy or too acidic.

So with all these acne treatment options available, you can rest assured that acne will never be an ugly and permanent fixture on your face. When acne rears its ugly head, do not let it ruin your life. With the right acne treatment and right acne products you can get rid of acne for good!

If left untreated severe acne can be a serious problem. Mike Walden, a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Health Consultant who was once a chronic acne sufferer, found a holistic system to permanently clear his acne problem and end breakouts. He has taught thousands of people to get the clear skin without resorting to drugs, creams or ointments.

source : acnecaretips

7 Easy Ways To Fight Acne

The most effective methods to combat acne include a combination of prevention and better skincare.

Here are some of the ways you can use to prevent and treat acne:

1. Exercise

Regular exercise can help fight acne by fighting off negative stress levels that can come from negative self-esteem and depression. But avoid wearing tight lycra and nylon exercise outfits. These synthetic fabrics that tend to trap body moisture and heat, creating an ideal environment for bacteria to grow. Stick to loose clothing made of cotton or natural blends, and keep your sports gear and equipment clean.

2. Safe Cosmetics

To avoid pore-clogging and skin irritations that can contribute to acne, use products labeled "noncomedogenic" or "oil-free." Opt for "hypo-allergenic" perfumes and cosmetics to avoid allergic reactions and skin irritation. Coal tar derivatives, carmine and heavy cream in blushes can cause reactions.

Shimmering facial colors can contain a flaky mineral called mica that can cause skin irritations and clog pores. Use a lip gloss with a matte finish for less pore-clogging. The more the shine, the more then comedogenic content and the more your pores can clog.

3. Healthy Diet

Studies show that diet does not play a role in either the cause or the treatment of acne. However, what is best for your body is best for your skin. So make sure you get enough vitamins, minerals and supplements that have been known and recommended to prevent and help conquer acne breakouts. These include

* Vitamin A or Retinol (High doses are toxic)
* Vitamin B Complex
* Vitamin C
* Vitamin E
* L-Carnitine
* Zinc

A good quality brand name multivitamin will probably have the recommended vitamins and minerals that you need to help with acne prevention.

Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day and making good, healthy dietary food choices.

4. Hormonal Treatment

Hormones (or a lack of them) during later years - especially for women - can play a role in acne flare-ups and prevention. One recent study showed that about 50 percent of women have acne, referred to as hormonal acne, problems during the week before their menstruation.

Treatment options include topical retinoids, oral antibiotics and Benzoyl Peroxide for teen years. For adults oral contraceptives or hormonal birth control pills and hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) may be helpful for women, combined with systemic or topical treatments, prescription or over-the-counter products and medications.

5. Healthy Skin Regimen

Avoid harsh scrubbing or over-washing, because this can cause possible skin irritation or possible over production of oil to replace what's washed off, clogging pores in the process. Use products with gentle exfoliation ingredients and skip products that contain alcohol.

6. Acne Products

acne treatment Some of the more popular products on the market that can prevent acne include:

* Benzoyl Peroxide
* Proactive Solution
* Salicylic Acid
* Retinoids
* Antibiotics
* Oral Contraceptives
* Anti-Androgens
* Isotretinoin (Accutane)

7. Shaving

Shaving is actually an excellent way of exfoliating or removing dead skin to help with the prevention and spreading of acne instead of leaving the remains to clog pores. And for some light acne cases already in process, shaving can help rid whiteheads and blackheads from the face. Do not shave areas taht are sore or infected. Use a shaving cream for sensitive skin.

Shave with a sharp blade. Use gentle swipes instead of heavy pressure and go with the flow or "grain." A single-edged blade is better than a twin-blade razor. Electric razors may not shave as close to the skin, but they help with the prevention of acne and other skin breakouts and flare-ups better.

source : acnecaretips

Treatment & Prevention by Acnecaretips

If left untreated severe acne can be a serious problem. Mike Walden, a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Health Consultant who was once a chronic acne sufferer, found a holistic system to permanently clear his acne problem and end breakouts. He has taught thousands of people to get the clear skin without resorting to drugs, creams or ointments.

In this proven step by step system for Acne cure, Mike reveals the way to permanently rid yourself of acne and pimples.

Once your acne improves or clears, you may need to continue your acne treatment regime to prevent new acne breakouts. In some cases, you might need to use a topical medication on acne-prone areas. You can also prevent new acne breakouts with simple self-care measures, such as washing your skin with a gentle cleanser and avoiding touching or picking at the problem areas.

For pimples that are persistent, consult your dermatologist for an antibiotic solution to be applied to the surface of the skin or an oral antibiotic. Using antibiotics as acne treatment functions to suppress bacterial growth thereby reducing the recurrence of persistent acne.

If you are considering an acne treatment, it's important to get sound information from a reputable source so you know what to expect. Healthy Skin Portal leads you into a range of skin care treatments with details on the top skin care clinics in your area.

source : acnecaretips

What Causes Pimples & Acne

Pimples usually develop after blackheads or whiteheads have become infected.

There are oil glands on your chest, face and back numbering in the thousands. In fact, between the nose and cheek areas there are as many as two thousand oil glands every square inch. The function of these oil glands is to lubricate the skin by producing oil, or sebum. Oil that is produced in the glands flows through follicles or tiny ducts to the surface of the skin. It usually starts far beneath the surface of the skin. A blemish (or internal lump) begins about 2 to 3 weeks before it appears on your skin's surface. Acne first begins to form in your sebaceous hair follicles. You know this as "pores", the tiny holes on you skin. Deep within each hair follicle, sebaceous glands generate sebum, the oil that keeps your skin soft, moist and pliable. As part of your skin's renewal process the old cells die and are shed off. Normally, this cell shedding process happens gradually, and fresh new skin takes its place.

But sloughing (the process where living tissue is separated from dead skin tissue) is not the same for everyone. Some people shed cells evenly while others don't. The result of uneven sloughing is that dead cells become sticky, clogging together to form a plug, similar to a cork in a bottle. This plug traps oil and bacteria inside the follicle.

The trapped oil begins to form a lump as your skin continues its normal oil production. Your body's natural defense system then sends an army of white blood cells to attack the bacteria. The whole process takes around 2 to 3 weeks, resulting in a pimple.

Many teenagers experience pimple outbreaks. It is at this time that the skin attempts to adjust to hormonal changes that occur during puberty. There is a tendency for most people when seeing a 'ripe' pimple try to pick or squeeze it. This will cause further damage to your skin as germs or bacterias from your finger tips can cause inflammation and scarring as a result. The risk of infection is also increased. Most times, when acne is ignored, it can leave visible scars on your skin.

source : acnecaretips

Laser Resurfacing Cost

The approximate prices for laser resurfacing range between $1,500 and $6,000. The cost varies based on the type of laser, area treated and the number of sessions required. Find out the cost of the laser resurfacing before booking your treatment(s). If the cost is prohibitive, inquire about payment plans or financing options.

In addition to discussing laser skin resurfacing, All About Facial Rejuvenation addresses numerous non-surgical treatments, including Botox injections and chemical peels, in addition to surgical procedures for the face such as facelift, rhinoplasty and eyelid lift surgery. Please visit the other pages of this site to learn more.

source : facialplasticsurgery

Your Laser Resurfacing Procedure

Laser resurfacing can take from 30 minutes to more than an hour, depending on the size of the area being treated. Exactly how many treatments will be needed depends on the type of laser as well as the specific skin condition being treated.

At the beginning of the procedure, your face is scrubbed with an antibacterial solution to remove surface bacteria. Most laser resurfacing procedures are performed under light sleep sedation, where you are awake but not fully aware. Some less invasive and extensive laser procedures may only require topical anesthesia. General anesthesia may be recommended if a large area is being treated.

The laser is a big machine, but the light beam is passed down through a hand-held wand or paddle. Your surgeon passes the wand over the area to be treated. This may be done once or several times, depending on the type of laser, your skin type and treatment goals. The laser literally evaporates the targeted areas of skin, leaving only a faint trace of "smoke and steam" and revealing undamaged, pink skin.

After the laser skin resurfacing is completed, your surgeon may cover your face with a thin film of antibiotic cream or a layer of synthetic skin. Recovery varies based on the type of laser used and the size and scope of the treated area. Expect redness, puffiness and some pain after laser skin resurfacing. It can take a few months for all the redness to fade. You can usually use make-up to camouflage the redness within a week. Follow your doctor's instructions carefully to avoid any complications.

Keeping your skin moist is crucial. You may be told to wash your face several times a day to help get rid of dead skin cells. Avoiding sun exposure is also important. Most physicians recommend wearing a wide-brimmed hat and applying sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher to your skin because it is very susceptible to sun damage after a laser resurfacing treatment.

source : facialplasticsurgery